
To the raging storm, I say what Jesus said, “Peace be still.” Mark 4:39. Why have ye cast off your peace? Let the peace of God settle in your heart. Therefore, no storm can disrupt your peace. I have given you perfect peace. Peace is in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is our peace. Ephesians 2:14. He is the Prince of Peace. Live not as if you have no peace. Do no invite worry in your heart. When it knocks, don't open the door. In the world you will have tribulations, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. John 16:33. Let peace rest in your heart. You in Me, I in you. See how peace rules in your heart. I am the God of peace and I dwell in you. Peace is highly accessible because it is in you. Walk in the Spirit and you walk in peace. Peace is a fruit of the Spirit. Do you see what you have? Now live in peace! I am all powerful! Why live as if there is no peace in your heart? I am all powerful! There is no greater power than Me. Rise up in peace! In peace you abode in Me. What a good life. A life unshakeable by the world. I have finished the work. Now live in the finished work in peace. In Christ you have peace with Me. Romans 5:1. I say again, let not your peace be troubled. I am peace. You be at peace. Selah.


